by Linda Hart and Don Hart
Illustrated by Tonya Foreman
Whether you’re trying to master English grammar, become an effective writer or communicator, or complete your first novel, Cat Grammar Guide will give you the skills and confidence to shine. This delightful book is also an ideal reference tool for students and homeschoolers, as well as for the adults who teach them.
ISBN-13: 978-0998552934, 2023
Grammar / Reference / Young Adult
Paperback $16.95 / Kindle ebook $14.95

by Linda Hart
difference between the almost right word and the right word is
the difference between a lightning bug and lightning, Mark Twain
once wrote. Throughout history, the timely use of the apt word has held
enormous sway, in literature, speeches, and texts. How is it that some words
hold such power? One thing we know: great words often engage the senses.
Thesaurus of the Senses expands your possibilities to see, hear, touch,
taste, and smell to describe the world around you. It collects some of the best
English sensory words in one place to enliven your writing and help you build
persuasive description. It's an indispensable tool for writers, poets,
bloggers, editors, storytellers, students, teachers, communicators, and word
lovers alike — anyone wanting to add more spark to his or her writing.
Reference / Writing / Words
Paperback $14.95 / Kindle e-book $4.99 / Hardcover $28.95

by B. A. Hughes
Illustrated by Quinci Woodall
Glimm, A Glimpse of Light Found explores the adventures of tweens and early teens as they uncover everyday mysteries and connections. Written by B. A. Hughes for her own grandchildren, these illuminating stories highlight mystical animals, natural phenomena, and curious kids discovering their unique gifts. Middle school students will find kinship with a lonely cheetah, a talking stone, a persistent rabbit. When the emptiness of ennui and the drudgery of daily life are peeled away, unexpected encounters with nature lead to glimpses of truth. With wonder and beauty everywhere, often hidden in plain sight, darkness fades and light glimmers.
Fiction / Young Adult / Education / Nature
Paperback $13.95

by judith craig fryman
Imagine if your grandmother owned a candy store! Or if your cousin, mother, sister, fellow parishioner, neighbor, or friend had an excellent sweet shop in an old bank building with a special vault filled with chocolate and your favorite books. It’s a Sweet Thing is a 33-year history of Judith Craig Fryman’s fun adventure in owning such a candy store beginning in 1985 in Brookville, Ohio. Her simple mission as owner of the Candy Break was to provide wholesome, handmade treats to everyone in town and to interesting customers from far-off places. The impact of her efforts was more far-reaching and enriching than you might first expect.
Over the years, she has offered free ice cream cones to kids who could recite Bible verses, gave boxes of candy on Valentine’s Day to local volunteers, and provided a gathering place of old-fashioned hospitality. Her story involves, first of all, her faith and her family—both essential ingredients in her success. It also chronicles a lovely town in southwestern Ohio and an array of unforgettable friends who visited the store, some facing tragedy but most enjoying life in a memorable and very “sweet” way. If you’re fond of candy, family, and other forms of simple happiness, you’ll love this book about how one little candy store came to life and in turn enlivened a community.
ISBN-13: 978-0998552910, 2019
Memoir / Parenting & Relationships / Family
Paperback $15.95

by Kerry george
William “Buck” Storm is the tyrannical patriarch of his family and a brutal coal mine owner, whose war time experiences have deeply flawed him. He respects nothing and no one. Jesse Kamin is the passionate son of a coal miner killed in an Ohio mine explosion and raised by a mother full of hate. Violence and anarchy in the United Mine Workers drive him to the government. By chance, he is pitted against Storm.
Black Damp Century is their story of strife, loyalty, and fury, as told with a backdrop of the historical events of the Twentieth Century, beginning with the bloody battle at Blair Mountain in West Virginia. These violent clashes deeply mar the coal operators, the miners, and the government for generations. The miners’ world holds multiple forms of black damp, which threatens to suck the oxygen from the lives of all involved.
ISBN-13: 978-0-988-83999-1, 2019
Fiction / History / Appalachia, Coal Mining
Paperback $14.95 / Kindle
e-book $2.99

by barbara wood polak
Boomerang Lies is a disquieting story of how just a few lies can unravel a normal, respected family. These lies lead to financial ruin, upheaval, and a prison sentence, leaving a homeless family to cope with a dangerous new life of poverty and fear. Chris Cunningham, now a divorced mother of three, is forced from a wealthy suburb to a harrowing life in subsidized hopelessness. But as the truth plays out, fortunes change, and undiscovered mysteries, including lies told to the police, develop surprising outcomes of their own.
ISBN-13: 978-0988839953, 2014
Fiction / Suspense / Family
Paperback $13.50 / Kindle
e-book $2.99

anthology of tragedies and triumphs
by university of dayton writers' group
edited by don hart, bob mackenzie, and shulamit adler
Anthology of Tragedies & Triumphs is a moving collection of short
stories, memoirs, and poems written by 17 seniors, nearly all in their 70s. It
describes the simple, but often unexpected, "implications of growing
old." The authors are from southwestern Ohio and meet at the University of
Dayton's Lifelong Learning Institute.
Stories are about an inscrutable bag lady, the dark side of "actually
getting your wish," the crush of dealing with personal losses, and family
imbroglios. There is a story of a foundling who grew up to transform a whole
village, a journey to "the other side," and the loving anguish of
losing someone dear long ago. There is even a short golf lesson. Some excellent
poetry opens up new ways of experiencing the years and embracing the positive.
The book makes a useful, enjoyable guide to aging with happiness and foresight.
At any age, your next Triumph is just around the corner.
ISBN-13: 978-0988839915, 2014
Paperback: $10.95 / Kindle e-book $2.99

by University of dayton writers' group
anthology is a whimsical collection of short stories, memoirs and poems written
by 16 seniors, nearly all in their 70s, spanning holidays from 1930-2011. The
authors are from southwestern Ohio and meet at the University of Dayton's
Lifelong Learning Institute. Stories are about "what it's really like to
play Santa," how a child perceives the mysteries of Christmas, and the
tortuous adult worries and last minute pressures of holidays. Memories of the
Great Depression, World War II and the entanglements of recent years are woven
into these tales.
You'll read about a Santa who robs a bank, a boy in a monastery, adults having
faith restored and the timelessness of love. Some of the stories are meant to
be read aloud to children. There's even a great recipe. This book makes a
memorable gift to be unpacked yearly with your Christmas decorations.
ISBN-13: 9780615570907, 2011
Fiction / Memoir / Holiday / Poetry
Paperback $14.95 / Kindle
e-book $2.99

by mollie C. Cain
to the Cages recounts the frightful story of a fire at the Ohio State
Penitentiary in Columbus on Easter Monday 1930. First fire responders wait in
open-air trucks outside a locked gate. Cries of men bolted behind steel bars
are heard widely amidst creeping flames and black smoke, while individual cell
door keys hang on guard room hooks, undisturbed. It is the change of shift.
Guards debate the wisdom of releasing any keys to unlock the cells. The fire
attracts thousands of Columbus people, who stand around prison gates while
tragedies unfold inside.
This is also an account of inmate Theophilus Kabel of Dayton, institutionalized
at an early age into a life devoid of personal decision-making. He is
emancipated into a world full of uncharted freedom, yet his attempt to fit into
society fails; he is soon arrested and forced hopelessly into this deadly
prison setting. His story gives voice to men logged only as statistics in the
annals of America's deadliest prison fire. Three hundred and twenty-two
die that night. None on death row.
ISBN-13: 978-0988839939, 2013
Fiction / Ohio History / Drama
Paperback $12.95 / Kindle
e-book $2.99

by faye e. duncan
Seasons of Life is an inspirational work of more than 50 years. It is author Faye Duncan’s personal offering of pictures, poetry, memoirs and loving observations. With true Christian insight, Faye provides us with stories of hope and joy, loneliness and love, praise and truth. Her experiences are caught in poems of her time and memorable pictures of beauty, family and place, providing us examples of God’s infinite care. You will be changed by reading this gentle book, which makes a kind gift to yourself, or a thoughtful one for someone in need of uplifting love. As the subtitle promises, it lays out a transforming Journey Within.
ISBN-13: 978-0988839922, 2013
Poetry / Memoir / Prose
Paperback (full color) $29.95

by mary osweiler powers
From Bethlehem to the Boiling Fork is the first in a series about Ludwig Jung and his family, German immigrants who arrived at the port of Philadelphia in 1753. Settling on the Drylands near Bethlehem in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, the Jungs became embroiled in French and Indian War and subsequently in the American Revolution and the Civil War. This volume focuses on Nicholas Young, the eldest son of Ludwig, and Leonard Young, a grandson whose descendants lived along the Boiling Fork in Franklin County, Tennessee. It is a true story with photos of original documents and copious source material to meet the most rigorous genealogical standards.
ISBN-13: 978-0988839946, 2013
Nonfiction / Genealogy / History
Paperback $12.95

by don peacock
A Peacock Speaks is a delightful collection of memoirs and short stories from the curious pen of Don Peacock. In 22 short tales of unexpected events he captivates you with some very unusual observations. He explores subjects as wide as bird behavior, human nature, boating, male-female relationships, cats, and the fine art of “grandfathering.” Ever the purveyor of the surprise ending, Peacock pulls you into speculative fiction from which you will need time to recover.
ISBN-13:978-0988839908, 2013
Fiction / Short Stories / Memoir / Humor
Paperback $10.95 / Kindle
e-book $2.99